
Week 7 Draft Brief

1. General Direction:
Outside and Inside Education Centre with Workshops
-Outside activities
- Self-sufficiency
- Natural study environment
- Local farming area with self-service food shops
2. Site Proposition:
- Education campus (outdoor and indoor) with outdoor camping area (motor homes and tents). It is to teach the survive silk and teamwork. It also include greenhouse and residential area.
Site Users:
Normal Time:
- 300 students on campus (need to booking - limit people to prevent man-made pollution)
- Allow 150 students can live in Woodforida overnight
- 20-30 teachers/staffs stay with students or children (1 teacher for 10 -15 students)
- Allow 10-15 teachers/staffs living on campus with their students overnight.
- Allow 40 families (max) to visit site at the same time with 300 students during the daytime.
- Only allow 20 family stay on Woodfordia overnight
- Allow 100 families stay and visit site during daytime (No school booking and visit)
- Allow 60 families can stay overnight (No school booking and visit)
- 30 staffs for Woodfordia Education Centre per day(include" local staffs"-farmers)
During the Woodford Folk Festival:
- 300 performers can live in site (live in residential area)
- 10000 festival-goers per day for 6 days of New Woodford Folk Festival
- 30 staffs (original)  + other 20 staffs can be help the services during the festival.
Site Functions:
- Exhibition Area
- Outdoor and indoor classrooms
- Workshops
- Residential Area (allow 250 people)
- Greenhouse
3. Building Proposition:
Can be separate buildings for: indoor education centre, greenhouse and residential area
Building Users:
- 15 Education Centre staffs
-15 teachers
- 150 students
Building Functions:
Education Centre Building
- Exhibition spaces
- 4-6 Workshops
- 6 classrooms/meeting rooms for 25 people each room
- 2 Digital/computer rooms
- Cafe
- Toilet
- Information centre
- Planting workshop
- Self-service fresh food shop
Residential Area
- 125 bedrooms with toilets (can live 2 people per each bedrooms)
- Public kitchen (20 people share 1 kitchen)
- Public baths

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